Usually people are a little startled when they ask me what I do for a living. They find out that for 38 years I worked on private, corporate and VIP jets......and for the last 10 years I was a consultant for VIP jet owners.
And now......I am an Insurance Producer for Aflac.....and also develop eBusinesses and Alternative Income Strategies! Sounds like a weird career change right?
Well we do what we do because of passion and for 38 years I did love private jets.
But last year my whole life crumbled in an instant and what I am passionate about totally different than what I used to be passionate about.
Let me explain. Last Easter, 2011, I was hanging out with my wife and kids and my grandson (I have 4 grandchildren). Life was as good as it possibly could be. Sure financially I was in a pickle because my business had slowed down, but being with my family was always my greatest joy.
The next morning I woke up and had stomach pains. It wasn't real bad or anything but never the less.....something was wrong. This went on for days and of course, I tried to fix it myself. I stopped eating for a while.....and that didn't help. Then I tried eating certain foods that were easy to digest.....but that didn't help either.
And this was becoming annoying to me because I hardly ever get sick. I think at times that I was too busy for anything to stick to me.
Finally after a couple of weeks I noticed two particular spots in my intestinal area that was very tender. So I decided that I should go to the hospital emergency room and get an x-ray or something. Well they did a CT scan and then they did a lot of blood work.
They told me that I had two abscesses on my small intestine and that I had some sort of infection. So they admitted me into the hospital. That didn't seem so bad at the time.....I figured some antibiotics and then I would go home.
Well it started to get interesting. The results came back from the blood work and they told me that I had an infection of some sort......but they couldn't identify it. They didn't know what it was, where it is coming from, where I got it from......or how to fix it.
So they started giving me antibiotics of every kind....trying to kill the infection. In a way I kind of thought I won a bad lottery......lucky me.....I got a bug they never saw before!
Well to make a really long story short, I ended up having two surgeries and then just before I was finally getting close to going back home……I went into septic shock.
So 8 days in a coma…..on life support and seeing that light they talk about….I finally woke up. After a month and a half in the hospital I got to go home, but I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything for the next 4 months or so.
Nothing to eat or drink except one bag of fluid each day through an IV. It took me a year to recover from that little trip to Hotel California.
And THAT changed my career.
I have a couple of souvenirs from the surgeries and travelling all over the world just is too complicated for me now. I can do it if I want now…..but what a hassle!
If you are healthy and have a job.....and a great family, you have nothing else from life that you can gain. Losing your health unexpectedly is one of the biggest surprises that can ever happen to a person.
And almost all people do not prepare themselves for an event like that. After all it will never happen to them right?
I lost almost everything that I ever worked for in the last 38 years. I was financially destroyed. And our income dropped down to 10% of what we normally had. I lost my van to repossession which was getting real close to being paid off. I had to sell almost anything else that wasn't nailed down just to survive.
And our house is still in foreclosure.....although we are still here.....and now working like crazy trying to save it.
And then there is trying to get a job after being in bed for the most part of a year.....and having a 6" hernia. I think that could be entered into the dictionary as the definition of the word impossible!!!
Then one day I found Aflac. Imagine talking to folks about protecting themselves from financial ruin because of having an accident or unexpected illness. Talk about passion!!!!!
AND that's how a guy with 38 years of corporate and private jet experience becomes an Insurance Producer for Aflac!!!!
But there is something else that I also learned from my dreaded "Hotel California" visit to the hospital! A wise man told me once.....and I ignored it of course.....that our family income is like a bar stool. You need a stool with at least 3 legs.....but 4 legs would be better.
You see, if you have one income coming in to support your family and you lose it, you immediately spiral into poverty. You can't balance yourself on a bar stool with one leg......or at the very least you won't get much sleep.
Well you may have your wife's or husband's income as a second income coming in also, so you feel like you are on top of the world. But no, that's like two legs on the stool and still real hard to balance.
And something that surprises folks is that when one person gets sick or has an accident, you think that you lose only one income. That is not true. If you or your spouse are in the hospital, you want to be there and you need to be there. I can tell you first hand that I don't think I could have survived if my wife wasn't by my side every day that I was in the hospital.
But that means that you lose two incomes. Two legs of the stool.....are gone. So the wise man told me that you have to have 3 or 4 legs on your stool in order to have true protection financially for your family.
Well we could sort of get protection from financial demise by insuring our income, at least for the most part of what we typically earn from our job.
But having MULTIPLE INCOMES coming in……is the best way to go. And an eBusiness is best for that seeing that it can work for you....24/7/365.....even while you sleep!
I have a friend and he made more than a million dollars in stocks. He would always tell me that success comes from spending less. like a penny pincher is not as much fun when raising a compared to finding ways to make more money. ESPECIALLY residual incomes.
So you know my story now.....and you now know why I like finding more ways to create more income for my family......especially incomes that can be residual in nature. And it is real exciting when your income grows while you sleep!
Now you may start to realize why I love my My Favorite Sales Lead Software ......because it can create a totally separate income for me or you.....besides giving a virtually unlimited source of very high quality sales leads for my insurance business.
Are you skeptical......of course you are. But check it out and then call me, email to me!
I can even show you a tip or two that will get your brain all fired up with how you can add that 2nd, 3rd or even 4th income for your family. Without a tip or two you may think...."who could I show this to that would be interested in using or buying this software"? "I don't think that I know of a way to do this business"!
But with a single tip or two that I share with the people I work with......well....I guess the best way to describe it is that your brain will take off with new and great possibilities for you and your family.
In any case......I wish you and your family great success.....and by all your INCOME!!!! We insure our cars, we insure our houses, heck we even insure our phones or appliances......but most people never insure themselves and their incomes.
If you think that's the way to need to go back and read my story. I think you may have missed the point!
And why shouldn't you and your family have an extra income coming in? Why NOT?
It hardly takes any time to do…..and it can be real rewarding!!!
Heck you can make it a family business and teach your kid’s how to run a small business. It can actually be pretty easy to make extra money if you know what you are doing.
Think about it! I wish you the best.......