You don't know - what you don't know.......what the heck does that mean?
Well if you think about that for a minute, it is very true......and it STOP's us from achieving things in our life that we are quite capable of doing sometimes.
This saying became very real to a client of mine a couple of years ago and I heard him repeat it over and over again after that. It was like an epiphany for know like the light went on in his head. And from then on.....he knew something that others didn't quite grasp.
What had happened is that we had two airplanes being worked on at a facility and the workers seemed to be messing things up at an unbelievable pace. I was frustrated and my client was going through the roof.
Well of course you know if a project is getting messed's the project manager's fault....or the consultant's fault...and I was both.
So when the time came to explain what was going on, I had better have a good answer.
And the time came and he asked me what on earth is going on here.....and he was very angry. So I stated that "they don't know what they don't know."
He screamed at me....."they don't know what they don't know......what the heck does that mean"?
I explained to him that the facility brought in untrained contractors to perform this work...and because they were untrained, inexperienced and never performed this kind of work before, they are now learning what they don't know, at your expense. And they are messing up very badly, because they just never did this before.
He was quiet for a couple of minutes and that was actually like an eternity for me.......but then he broke his silence and shook his head.....they don't know - what they don't know. And then he quietly walked down the hall to Mahogany know.....where the companies executives hang out.....and he proceeded to let them have it for bringing in inexperienced people to work on his airplane.
But it was funny for months after that watching him sometimes look off into space when we were having trouble with particular situations and then he would quietly say....they don't know what they don't know.
And that happens to all of us.....all through our life. We think we know something and we make a decision. When in fact, we don't know what we don't know.....and therefore we really can't make an educated decision yet. We need to learn the facts. We need to learn how would we be able to do could WE do this and be successful.
So why do I write this?
Because when I bought the software that I have discussed on the other pages.....I had no intentions of selling it. I needed the software for my aviation business. Quite frankly I thought oh no.....another multi-level deal.
BUT I needed the software so I bought it. By the's direct sales and one level. It's actually a traditional 1 up compensation plan and is not only a common is very profitable if you understand it.
Then as I started to look more into it, I talked to some people who had gotten into it and loved the software, but they couldn't sell it.
I felt sorry for them and I knew who sold it to them......but they didn't know what they didn't know. But that was then.....and this is now.
So for me I crashed and burned financially because I got sick. Hey I didn't ask for that.....and I didn't do anything foolish to get sick. I got sick....that's all. I was disabled for a year and then when I did look for a job, it was mission impossible.
Then I got recruited by Aflac. And as I watched some of the new agents struggling, I started to learn a little more. I have sat for hours thinking about my needs and how do I dig myself out of this huge hole that I got myself into? How do I accomplish these major feats?
I haven't shared this with you before but my income dropped down to 10% of what we used to make. And that hurts so bad!!!!
So how do I fix this......what am I missing.......what do I not know that I need to know????
And then one night sitting in a parking lot waiting to pick up my daughter.....I had an epiphany. I thought of something and all of a sudden, I now know what I didn't know before.
More importantly, I know what was stopping those other guy's who got into this software business, from being successful.
You know it's really funny how we don't know how to do something......and then when we learn how to do becomes a duhhhh moment. We sit there and say to ourselves.....that was easy!
And this may sound stupid to you, but I was watching Iron Man 2 with my grandson and the main character is dyeing. He needed something to save him.....but he didn't know what he didn't know. Then his father shows him a blue print of sorts and he goes home and creates or invents a new element. And that element would save his life.
And what does he say when he accomplishes that incredible feat.....something no one else could ever do? He says...."that was easy." After he learned what he didn't it was easy. But before that was impossible!!!
That's what it is like when the light goes on......that's what happens when all of a get it!
So if you are unemployed......if you are a new agent......or if you just need an extra $300 a week, you have to ask yourself a question. Can this software deal be the answer for me? What if you are doing great and you want more. What if you want $3,000.00 a week? Could this be it?
Well your immediate answer will be....nahhhhh. Stupid software deal!
And my answer to that don't know what you don't know.
That's not an insult either......because I know that you don't know what I know now!!!! If you knew what I figured would be smiling right now.
And here is something else to ponder........95% of the people on earth DO NOT LIKE SALES!!!!
So if you don't like sales.....GREAT! Welcome to the majority. And you need to look at this because there is a huge difference between marketing and sales! Hint, hint, hint!
But don't know what I know!
So if you want to know, my contact info is at the bottom of every page that this Sales Lead Extracting Software link takes you to.
And now you are asking yourself, why doesn't this guy just tell me?
Because I want to help my team be successful. I want them to make money.....I want them to re-create their financial situation if they are in the same boat I am in.
And I don't want to just give it away and tell the whole putting it out there on the web. you know what you do not know? Of course need to learn. You need to look into things and an adventure. A learning expedition......that will always pay huge dividends, that no one can ever take from you.....once you know what you know, but didn't know before.
Hey best of luck in your business and Godspeed!