This is especially true with your commercial accounts. So you have two main concerns when you start thinking of growth.
- How do I find time to market my business?
- And how do I reach these potential commercial accounts.....without spending an arm and a leg?
Well the first question depends on how much time you will actually need. Well that may sound dumb but think about it. But if you are going to sit down with the Yellow Pages and then make phone calls......well that is going to take a lot of your time.
In are only going to get a few positive responses out of a lot of calls. So at some point you are going to think that you are wasting your time.
But let's say you were to set up a robo call campaign. That may only take a few minutes of your day, if you have the tools to do that. And of course.....many people do not like sales calls....or even listen to the call.
Don't get me does work. But you have to understand that the conversion rate or the rate of people who actually call you back.....may be real low as compared to how many calls that you make.
So how to grow your landscaping business seems to be more complicated doesn't it?
Well there is another way!
Let's say that you type up a letter on your your prospective commercial accounts. It may even be a previously used flyer.
Then by using a SALES LEAD EXTRACTOR , you could download hundreds of leads that are highly targeted to your potential clients. And then with just a couple of clicks of your mouse you could print out address labels. Well there you go.........within just a couple of minutes you could have all the ingredients to create a direct mail campaign.
Now the actual stuffing of the envelopes and attaching the stamps could be a family affair. Your wife and kids could help you out and it really doesn't take that long anyway.
But the secret of a good campaign is having the sales leads to begin with.
Now it may sound expensive at first but it is dirt cheap when you think of how much.....just one new commercial account is worth to you. And yes it is true that just a few letters will actually become a new account......but it is easy to send out a lot of letters.
Here is what I do. I create a letter and then revise it and revise it. It needs to really convey the best benefits of your you stand out. They call that your Unique Selling Proposition or UPS.
What is it about your business that makes you better than perhaps their current landscaper? Is it your employees pride and attention to detail? Is it your availability to your accounts needs? Is it your many years of experience?
What ever that USP need to convey that in the letter. The letter is the key to your mailing campaign.
Then using the SALES LEAD EXTRACTOR you extract your leads by town, state and type of business such as banks or restaurants. Or office complexes or malls......what ever your targeted prospective account is.
Then after you do an extraction......just print out the address labels.
Now to make the campaign a little more painless.....I use self adhesive envelopes. With that you just peel off a strip of paper and close the licking and no messy sponges.
Now to make the campaign a little more painless.....I use self adhesive envelopes. With that you just peel off a strip of paper and close the licking and no messy sponges.
So to grow your landscaping business starts to be a piece of cake.
And because your business is can do ongoing campaigns at different times of the year. For example....during the late summer or early fall you can do a campaign for snow removal accounts. And then late winter you can start a new campaign for your landscaping accounts. So maybe you could use a few more banks.....or maybe you have been thinking that some food markets could use some landscaping services.
But the point having your own SALES LEAD EXTRACTOR you can put together a campaign in a matter of a few minutes. Juts print out a bunch of a search with your sales lead software and print out the address labels.....and you are done.
Then maybe put the kids to work stuffing envelopes.....and pay them. To teach them the proper work ethic that you want to instill in them.
So how to grow your landscaping business is now just a very easy effort that just takes a few minutes.....and with your own SALES LEAD can do it any time you want!!!